Form to request preparation of individual tax return

    Instructions:- Please complete and submit this form to request preparation of your individual tax return.

    Fields marked * are compulsory.

    Please complete the form in capital letters.

    If new, please enter how you heard about us (e.g. Advertisement, facebook, google, if referred by a friend (please provide a name))

    "Please attach a copy of your photo ID at the end of this form to verify your identity"

    For which year do you want your tax return to be prepared [eg. 2021-2022] (if multiple years please enter all years)

    Title (Please tick)*:

    First Name*:

    Middle Name:

    Last Name*:

    Address - (Street No & Name)*:


    Post Code*:

    Tax file no*:

    ABN (if applicable):

    Telephone no. (Mobile)*:

    Home no:

    Email address*:

    What is your primary occupation?*

    Date of birth*:

    Did You have a spouse in the financial year:

    First Name of Spouse*:

    Last name*:

    Date of birth of Spouse*:

    Taxable income of your Spouse (Amount)*:

    Please Provide Your Bank Details: BSB*:

    Account No *:

    Account Name *:

    Are you entitled to the Medicare Levy Exemption or reduction for the year you are requesting tax return to be prepared if yes, please ensure you apply for Medicare Levy Exemption*:

    Please complete the form from the link from service Australia Website and submit to them for processing:

    How many Dependent Children do you have?*:

    Do you have private Health Insurance with hospital cover?*:

    if yes please provide private health insurance statement as an attatchment to this form.

    Did you earn income from salary and wages*:

    How many employers did you work for*:
    "Please attach income statements (formerly group certificates) from all employers to assist us to verify the income and prepare your tax return"

    Did you earn any interest income:

    Do you want to enter more Accounts?

    Bank Name

    Account No

    Amount $

    Tax withheld $

    Joint Names

    For any additional bank accounts please add an attachment at the end of this form

    Did you receive any Government Benefits/Centerlink payments and allowances?*(Other than Family Tax Benefit Part A and Part B)*

    Please provide the details of the nature of government benefit and the amount received. Please also attach any payment summary that you have received from centerlink.

    Did you receive any dividends?*

    Did you receive dividends from any more sources?

    Did you receive any Business Income/ Income on ABN*? If yes please provide Detail of income + expenses attachment at the end of this form

    Are you registered for GST *? if the answer is yes download form 1 (Business worksheet Template GST registered) And if it's no Download form 2 (Business worksheet template GST not registered.)

    Did you earn any Capital Gains(losses) on sale of Shares, Properties or other capital assets? *If yes, please provide details below and attach supporting documents at the end of this form.

    If yes, please provide details below and attach supporting documents at the end of this form.

    Did you have a rental property during the financial year? If yes, please download and complete the rental property worksheet for each property you have and attach at the end of this form? * and/or provide us the supporting information for verification.

    Did you have work related car expenses (Please note you cannot claim travel for commuting to and from work place)?

    Details of work-related expenses
    D1. Work related Car Expenses (Please note you cannot claim travel for commuting to and from your work place)

    Make of Car

    Registration number (Rego)

    Purchase Date

    Purchase Price $

    Odometer reading year Start

    Odometer reading year End

    If you want to use cents per km method, please input number of work related kms travelled in the financial year (Maximum 5,000 kms)

    Please put any other details in the text box below

    Registration $

    Insurance $

    Repair & Maintenance $

    Fuel $

    Service $

    Cleaning $

    Interest $

    Other $

    Do you want to input any other information in relation to this category

    D2. Work related Travel Expenses (Air Travel, Taxis, Parking, interstate/overseas travel/accommodation, etc)


    Amount $

    Do you want to input any other information in relation to this category

    D3. Work related Uniform/Laundry/Safety shoes



    Protective Clothing

    Occupation specific clothing

    Compulsory Uniform

    Dry cleaning



    Do you want to input any other information in relation to this category

    D4. Work related Self education expenses directly releted to your work

    Name of Course and Institution

    Date Paid


    Do you want to input any other information in relation to this category

    D5. Other Work related Expense

    Nature Of Expense

    Description of Expense


    Use for work (%)

    Home office expenses

    Computer and software

    Telephone/mobile phone


    Tools and equipment

    Subscriptions and union fees


    Sun protection items

    Seminars and courses

    Other (please specify)

    Do you want to enter more expenses?

    Other (please specify)

    Other (please specify)

    Other (please specify)

    Did you work from home during this financial year, if you did please provide us the number of hours you worked from home for the period 1 July – 30 June. And provide us details of your calculation or a diary to confirm the calculation.

    Please put the details below for any work related asset & depreciable items eg, laptop, desktop, assets costing more than $300

    Date of purchase

    Description of Assets Purchased


    Work related use (%)

    Do you want to add more items?

    Date of purchase

    Description of Assets Purchased


    Work related use (%)

    D9. Donations Given to tax deductible recipients


    Amount $

    D10. Tax Agent Fees (paid during the financial year for which tax return is being prepared) $

    D12. Personal Super Contributions for which tax deductions can be claimed

    D15. Income protection, sickness and accident protection insurance. Premium paid

    Foreign exchange losses/Derivative losses

    Details of any other Income and Expenses not covered above


    Amount $

    Please specify any other details relevant to your tax return not included above:


    If you need to send any more information please email it to [email protected]

    Client Declaration/Authorisation

    Client Declaration/Authorisation